(510) 739-6520


Orthobiologics are a range of substances used in orthopedic medicine to assist in the healing of injured muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They are derived from substances that are naturally present in the human body and are used to improve the healing process of orthopedic injuries. The primary components of orthobiologics include growth factors, stem cells, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and autologous conditioned plasma, among others. These substances work by accelerating the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. Orthobiologics are commonly used in the treatment of sports injuries, osteoarthritis, and in surgical procedures related to bones and joints. They offer an innovative approach to pain management and recovery, often reducing the need for more invasive treatments like surgery. The field of orthobiologics is evolving rapidly, with ongoing research focusing on improving the efficacy and understanding of these biological agents in orthopedic therapy.